Ensemble now brings to the stage questions of identity about the human, Israeli, Jewish, male body.
The body has undergone tremendous changes in the last hundred years. Is the male Jewish body adorned with its teachings or perhaps already with its muscles and uniforms?
Ensemble now offers a third option, the fusion that creates Israeli complexity.
Choreography: Ronen Izhaki // Creative dancers: Hanania Schwartz, Yuval Azulai, Eyal Ogen // Guest dancer: Yair Barbash // Production: Ella Tzobari, Hoodia Grossman // Music: Sigur Ross, Rami Treistman // Costume design: Yeshayahu Rabinovich // Space design: Yossi Nagar // Artistic accompaniment: Nava Frenkel // Lighting design: Asi Gottesman
The work 'Heroes' was originally commissioned by JW3, the Jewish Community Center for London, and with the kind support of the Rayne Foundation