In the work "Of", Ronen Izhaki , in force and trembling, dares to enter the world of "White Death" (1981) - one of Ruth Ziv Eyal's first works, a work that is the genetic code for Ruth's work over the years and a summary of her unique movement language. Together with his brave partners on the road - Ensemble Now, a contemporary dance group of religious men that operates within the framework of "Between Heaven and Earth", Ronen tries to connect times and places and create new combinations.
The show was created as part of the "Following" project initiated by Mifal Hapayis.
Choreography: Ronen Izhaki // Artistic Consulting: Naomi Perlov // Production: Anat Radnai, Yael Maimoni, Ella Tzobari // Dancers: Hanania Schwartz, Eyal Ogen, Yuval Azulai, Alon Ben Yaakov // Artistic Director Partner: Tami Yitzhaki // Design Lighting: Amir Castro // Music: Emanuel Witztum // Rehearsal management: Gabriel Spitzer // Gaga lessons: Idan Forges // Costume design and execution: Yeshayahu Rabinovich // Dramatic accompaniment: Rami Dvir // Video: 2Team // Stills: Gadi Dagon and Tamar Lem