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Hanan Anando who was Hanan Martsiano who was Hanan Marciano, his grandparents came from Morocco to Haifa.

Ronen Izhaki, who was Ronen Amrami, his grandparents came from Persia and Yemen to Jerusalem.

Remember what was almost erased and lost forever.

Some of it we still remember, some we recreate, some inventors and some just imagine.

Choreography: Hanan Anando Mars, Ronen Itzhaki

Dancers: Hanania Schwartz, Eyal Ogen, Yuval Azulai, Yair Barbash, Elior Habani, Alon Barsheshet, Danny Kinreich, Jean-Mark Lilling, Elkana Maitlis.

Musicians: Yair Tahrir Kochav - vocals, Eliyahu Dgami - oud and guitar,

Yoni Sharon - percussion instruments

Video: Rafael Balulu

God willing
"Breathe!" I tell him, "Breathe bro, it's all a wedding." And it's all loneliness. And it's all a stormy dance of fear, attrition and maybe never. Or worse - forever.
All in all, max divorce, max alone. The whole max.

Choreography: Hanan Anando March Creative dancers: Hanania Schwartz, Yuval Azulai, Eyal Ogen, Yair Barbash | Production: Avital Wilk-Edri Stage Costume Design: Isaiah Rabinovich | Lighting Design: Amir Castro Musical Editing: Rami Treisman

Photo: Avihu Ben Avi

רקדן על הבמה
גברים רוקדים על הבמה
רקדנים על במה

An intimate dance performance inspired by the story from a celebration mask about the four who entered the orchard (Pesht, Remez, Deresh, Sud).

Four ensemble dancers now together with the audience enter the orchard. It is not known how they came out. .
Choreography: Ronen Yitzhaki Creative dancers: Hanania Schwartz, Yuval Azulai, Eyal Ogen Guest Dancer: Yair Barbash Production: Hoodia Grossman, Rachel Schwartz Costume Design: Yeshayahu Rabinovich

Photo: Aviya Ben Avi


Ensemble now brings to the stage questions of identity about the human, Israeli, Jewish, male body.

The body has undergone tremendous changes in the last hundred years. Is the male Jewish body adorned with its teachings or perhaps already with its muscles and uniforms?

Ensemble now offers a third option, the fusion that creates Israeli complexity.

Choreography: Ronen Yitzhaki // Creative dancers: Hanania Schwartz, Yuval Azulai, Eyal Ogen // Guest dancer: Yair Barbash // Production: Ella Tzobari, Hoodia Grossman // Music: Sigur Ross, Rami Treistman // Costume design: Yeshayahu Rabinovich // Space design: Yossi Nagar // Artistic accompaniment: Nava Frenkel // Lighting design: Asi Gottesman


The work 'Heroes' was originally commissioned by JW3, the Jewish Community Center for London, and with the kind support of the Rayne Foundation

Author's note


We are between heaven and earth, between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, between an ancient Hasidic world and a world of contemporary culture. We enjoy being a medium between the edges and also thank for having the edges as they are. Applaud with right hand and left hand.

The work was created with the generous support of the Jerusalem Foundation and the Ministry of Culture and Sports - Dance Department.

Choreography: Ronen Yitzhaki // Creative dancers: Hanania Schwartz, Alon Reich, Yuval Azulai, Eyal Ogen // Guest dancers: Neria Cohen, Jean-Mark Lilling, Barak Drori, Shlomo Dahan // Production: Ella Tzobari, Michal Schwartz // Music: Gideon Levinson, Rami Treisman // Live music: Daniel Zamir // Musical advice: Shalag Sheetrit // Costume design: Yeshayahu Rabinovich // Space design: Yossi Nagar // Artistic accompaniment: Nava Frenkel, Tami Yitzhaki // Lighting design: Amir Castro // Rehearsal management: Idan Forges // Stills: Gadi Dagon // Video: Oren Mansura


In the work "Of", Ronen Yitzhaki, in force and trembling, dares to enter the world of "White Death" (1981) - one of Ruth Ziv Eyal's first works, a work that is the genetic code for Ruth's work over the years and a summary of her unique movement language. Together with his brave partners on the road - Ensemble Now, a contemporary dance group of religious men that operates within the framework of "Between Heaven and Earth", Ronen tries to connect times and places and create new combinations.


The show was created as part of the "Following" project initiated by Mifal Hapayis.

Choreography: Ronen Yitzhaki // Artistic Consulting: Naomi Perlov // Production: Anat Radnai, Yael Maimoni, Ella Tzobari // Dancers: Hanania Schwartz, Eyal Ogen, Yuval Azulai, Alon Ben Yaakov // Artistic Director Partner: Tami Yitzhaki // Design Lighting: Amir Castro // Music: Emanuel Witztum // Rehearsal management: Gabriel Spitzer // Gaga lessons: Idan Forges // Costume design and execution: Yeshayahu Rabinovich // Dramatic accompaniment: Rami Dvir // Video: 2Team // Stills: Gadi Dagon and Tamar Lem

Marsh beggars

From the world of the beggars a simple hand is sent, invading into our being. Our solid existence is shaking. Beyond the decent border and following the beggars of R. Nachman of Breslav


Choreography: Idan Forges // Creative dancers: Hanania Schwartz, Alon Reich, Yuval Azulai, Eyal Ogen // Music: Talia Kliger // Rehearsal management: Gabriel Spitzer // Artistic accompaniment: Ronen Yitzhaki // Voice guidance: Gideon Levinson // Photography Stills video: ESCF

The work was created with the support of the Lottery Culture and Arts Council and the Director of Culture
Route 1

Between secular and sacred, between the secular ecstasy of a dance club, and the religious one, as expressed in the body of the worshiper, in awe, strength and trembling.


Choreography: Tami and Ronen Yitzhaki // Creative dancers - Ensemble now: Ehud Yehuda Segev, Ohad Stein, Alon Ben-Yaakov, Amitai Stern, Hanania Schwartz, Adam David Ben Zvi, Eyal Ogen // Music: Emanuel Witztum // Voices: Yitzhak Nativ // Costume design: Aharon Manor // Photography: Nir Shaanani, Tomer Applebaum // Video: Batina Feinstein as part of the Citidance project
And to the House


Six men moving around a table. Sometimes as drunken peasants around the dining table, and sometimes as followers around the table of the beit midrash - below and above the table, in ancient and contemporary realities. Meeting in the movement.


Choreography: Aviv Ivgi // Artistic accompaniment: Ronen Yitzhaki // Creative dancers: Alon Ben-Yaakov, Yehuda Miller, Ehud Yehuda Segev, Hanania Schwartz, Ohad Stein, Amitai Stern, Adam David Ben Zvi // Production: Lydia Meltin // Music : Emanuel Witztum // Designing and building a table: Yehuda Miller // Photo: Yedidya Mandelbaum

Hanan Anando who was Hanan Martsiano who was Hanan Marciano, his grandparents came from Morocco to Haifa.

Ronen Izhaki, who was Ronen Amrami, his grandparents came from Persia and Yemen to Jerusalem.

Remember what was almost erased and lost forever.

Some of it we still remember, some we recreate, some inventors and some just imagine.

Choreography: Hanan Anando Mars, Ronen Itzhaki

Dancers: Hanania Schwartz, Eyal Ogen, Yuval Azulai, Yair Barbash, Elior Habani, Alon Barsheshet, Danny Kinreich, Jean-Mark Lilling, Elkana Maitlis.

Musicians: Yair Tahrir Kochav - vocals, Eliyahu Dgami - oud and guitar,

Yoni Sharon - percussion instruments

Video: Rafael Balulu

בלי נדר
"תנשום!" אני אומר לו: "תנשום אחי, זה כולה חתונה." וזה כולה בדידות. וזה כולה מחול סוער של פחד, התשה ואולי לעולם לא. או יותר גרוע – לנצח.
כולה, מקסימום תתגרשו, מקסימום לבד. כולה מקסימום.

כוריאוגרפיה: חנן אננדו מרס | רקדנים יוצרים: חנניה שורץ, יובל אזולאי, אייל עוגן,יאיר ברבש |  הפקה:אביטל וילק- אדרי |  עיצוב במה תלבושות: ישעיהו רבינוביץ' | עיצוב תאורה: אמיר קאסטרו | עריכה מוסיקלית: רמי טרייסמן |

צילום: אביה בן אבי

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